Yesterday, the negative line stepped back and got a callback of 2%. My article was closed. I told the master directly that this negative line stepped back, and then I opened it lower tomorrow.Yesterday, the negative line stepped back and got a callback of 2%. My article was closed. I told the master directly that this negative line stepped back, and then I opened it lower tomorrow.The second support position is at 3387 points.
Yesterday, the negative line stepped back and got a callback of 2%. My article was closed. I told the master directly that this negative line stepped back, and then I opened it lower tomorrow.Tomorrow (12.12), the market will attack 3500 points again?
Fourth, where to adjust?The trend of attracting more people has come out, and the rebound I said is attracting more people.The space for adjustment is not particularly large, and the first support position in the short term is in the range of 3407~3410.
Strategy guide
Strategy guide